version 1.2.27
This one is all about the League tab!
Completely overhauled the Leaderboard tab
Can now use 6 different views of weekly data
Added lots of more details to My Info tab
Includes step-by-step text of how handicap is calculated
Stats tab now includes League and Flight-level summary data
I'd love to get feedback on what you want to see here. I have dozens of ideas and want to do the ones that make the most sense to you first
Cleaned up the home tab to make it easier to see the "Play League Week #X" button
version 1.1.26
Overhauled the Home tab to provide more pertinent information
League tab now has a Leaderboard and basic handicap information
Play tab now has improved navigation and enhanced scorecard
When starting a league round, tees and starting hole selections are locked to the appropriate values. Can still change Front 9 / Back 9.
Settings tab has several new options
Major battery conservation improvements
New Personality option to have your experience be more professional or more ... familiar :-)
New setting to prevent playing any round except those for League
version 1.0.23
Initial release!